miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011


What's reading:
 Reading is a process of interaction between reader and text, the process by which the former attempts to satisfy (obtain information relevant to) the objectives to guide their reading ... the text's meaning is constructed by the reader. This does not mean that the text itself does not make sense or meaning ...

What I try to explain is that the meaning one has written for the reader is not a translation or replication of the meaning that the author would like to print, but a construction that involves the text, the reader's prior knowledge that already deals with the objectives facing this

Why's important to read?
Reading is very important in the process of development and maturation of children. In recent years, is noticing a growing interest from parents for their children's reading, perhaps because they know, reads from the media, the relationship between reading and academic achievement.From these pages I would like to make them aware of the learning potential of reading goes beyond success in school; reading provides culture, developed aesthetic sense, acts on the formation of personality, is a source of recreation and enjoyment.Reading is a vehicle for learning, development of intelligence for the acculturation and education of the will.[THE ADVANTAGES OF READING]What goods reported reading?I'll make a list, not intended to be exhaustive, of goods that brings the reading activity, and thus help to internalize their importance. I also want to indicate that each reader's personal benefit out of reading is very varied, as all human activities to be free, are unique and personal.In any case, we can say that by reading the person reach a cluster of goods that enhance it.Reading not only provides information (instruction) but is (education), creating habits of reflection, analysis, effort, concentration ... and recreate, to enjoy, entertains and distracts.• Reading helps the development and refinement of language. Improves oral and written language does more fluid. Increases vocabulary and improve spelling.• Reading improves human relationships, enriching personal contacts.• Reading gives easy to expose one's thinking and allows the ability to think.• Reading is a great tool for intellectual work put into action because mental functions streamline intelligence. So is related to school performance.• The reading increases the cultural background and provides information, knowledge. When reading is learned.• Reading expands the horizons of the individual by enabling contact with places, people and customs distant to him in time or space.* Reading stimulates and satisfies the intellectual and scientific curiosity.• The reading awakens hobbies and interests.• The Reading develops the ability to view, analyze, critically.• The reading encourages the effort it requires a collaboration of the will. Reading requires active participation, a proactive stance. The reader is the protagonist of his own reading, not a passive subject.• The power reading observation skills, attention and concentration.• The reading facilitates recreation of the fantasy and creativity development. The reader, while reading, re-creates what the writer has created for him.• The reading is an act of ongoing creation. Lain Entralgo says: "Whatever a man he personally reads is recreated, re-created (...). But the reader also to recreate, recreates, establishing himself once again re-create their own spirit. "• Readings change us as good or bad company. All reading-marking ...• The reading supports the development of moral virtues as long as the books are selected properly. The readings propose models to admire and imitate, and, while living models (parents, teachers, etc..) Pass, the protagonists of the books remain.· The readings make us free. A few years ago there was a slogan for the promotion of reading that said, "More books, more free."• The power reading aesthetic education and awareness education by stimulating the artistic good emotions and good feelings. The readings help us to know ourselves and others, and, thus, promote character education and affectivity, raising good feelings. Reading enriches us and transforms us, makes us enjoy and suffer.• The reading is a means of entertainment and distraction, relaxing, to have fun.• The reading is a hobby for leisure time to cultivate a lifelong hobby. A hobby that can be enjoyed at any time, place, age and situation ....• The reading is a source of enjoyment, pleasure, happiness. Much has been said of "the pleasure of reading," and this sentence expresses a truth. Reading is a passion, something that involves the whole person and tells a delight because it is a truly human activity

How we would motivate to the students to read in a foreign language?

In my opinion the fundamental motivation is in a class, not only the student but also a teacher. The attitude of the teacher in class projects and can affect learning and student development.

I remember when I taught Spanish to my freshman and sophomore college one of the activities most enjoyed was reading short stories. On the other hand, when it came time to learn grammar, the classroom became a battleground in which I belonged to one side, other students and the book just in front. Sometimes shared the same feeling that my students did not want to deal with grammar.

I set out to find an effective way to motivate my students to learn the language and all aspects that make it up and came to the conclusion that if we were interested to read, then the readings would be my instrument. I said, they will learn without realizing they are learning!

What grammar?
I knew what the readings were more enjoyed my students back then.No need to teach grammar! I started looking for short stories in Spanish that were narrated in the tense I needed at that moment I wanted to teach, either the past or the imperfect also they had the appropriate level so that my students could read, understand and enjoy at a time. Although I confess that the hardest part was the time spent finding the right material, turned out to be the most satisfying activity, because what was initially a problem, became one of the greatest experiences in my teaching career.

Is it  important to make predictions about reading?

Make predictions about reading attracts curiosity, so the children will
more attention to what is read. Moreover, this technique allows the students
organize prior knowledge in a coherent manner, to develop hypotheses and to
check them, compare them and argue positions.

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